About Me

Note: I'm sentimental as *expletive* so I'm keeping my old About Me. Scroll down to see the updated one.

Hey there, Stalker!

I'm The Delusional/Delirious(I haven't really decided yet) Blogger. I wanted to keep this a secret, but since my dear friends have leaked this, my nickname is Aya. My real name is longer and much more complex, though.

I'm 14(15 this June!). I'm a sophomore at La Salle Academy.

I don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. I'll guess we'll just wait and see.

I'm also crazy. And different. And kinda evil(I know, i know, Jae. Kinda is an understatement).

I like writing, and I specialize in writing horror stories.

I'm naturally argumentative,too.

I love manga(the fruit AND the comic),anime, and animals.

I could be funny, and I could be sarcastic. Or both.

I guess that's that.

See ya!




I'm 16 years old. I will be graduating from high school in a few months(or depending on when you're reading this, have already graduated).

I still like writing. I'm still on the 'polishing it up' stage, and will still be on that stage on the day I die. After that, we'll see. (Or unsee?)

I am really horrified that I forgot to mention that I love reading and books. I don't know how I managed to forget that. How could you 14 year old self?

I'm old enough to realize that I'm probably not that different from everyone, but I'm not wise enough to keep myself from trying. I hope I never get that wise; it's tiring to be normal.

I also keep on making new blogs, but for some reason I always end up writing on this one. It seems that, for better or for worse, I'm stuck with this one. I'm not complaining.