Monday, May 16, 2011

DB's Shorts: Am I Losing You?

I love you.

Please look at me.

No, look at me, REALLY look at me.

Stop staring at her. HER.

Of all people, why her?

She's a nobody, a nerd who's not even pretty.

She's nobody at all.

Yet why are you looking at her?

Why are you looking at her like that?

Like, like you can't even take your eyes off her.


Am I losing you?


I hold your hand. Tight, so tight.

I want you to squeeze mine back. To reassure me.

I want you to kiss me. Please.

Here, right now. While she's looking.

Let her know that you're mine.



She's crying.

I see it. You see it.

Ignore her.

No, don't comfort her.

Please, don't.

No, stay here. Keep holding my hand.

Place your arm around me, not her.



You did. You went to her.

I know what's next. What comes after this.

I'm not blind.

Tell me, please, why?

Aren't I enough?


I'm losing you.

I'm losing you to her.



Can I ask for it?

You left me.

You left me for her.

Her with those big,dorky glasses.

Her with the ugly clothes.

Her-the silent one. You left me for her.

I ask for someone, anyone to comfort me.

I know that people won't, though.

I know.

I know that if we were in a movie, she would be the main character, you'd be the guy she desperately falls in love with,the guy so out of her league and I'd be his bitchy girlfriend.

The girlfriend who everyone wants to kill.

I don't want this.


I love you.

I love you more than she loves you.

I love you more than you love her.

I know it.

I love you so much.

So, so much, that I'm letting you go.

Please though, remember me.

When you break up, and I know you will (sorry, it's true), please remember me.

And go back to me.


I'll take you back.

I'll even be your rebound girl.



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