Friday, March 22, 2013

In just a few more hours

I shall be graduating tomorrow

Wow, I really messed up this 'challenge', huh?

Anyways, these are stuff I didn't post before:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

There are only 5 days remaining till graduation

And I haven't posted what I should've posted.

I...just am always so tired that I can't write, and when I want to write I can't because I'm in the middle of doing something else. I wrote a vignette or whatever it was but it's not enough.

Nothing ever is enough.

I want to start writing what I've been planning on writing but I have to sleep because I'll be up early tomorrow and I need the rest because it's going to be damn stressful.

Funny how it works, you know? You could spend years on end laboring in classes with only little complaint, stress, or ill health, and now that that's over and all you have to do is practice for at least only 4 hours a day for two weeks and you find that you don't have any strength to overcome that little stretch of time.

Maybe I'm just all out.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I'm alive

I've been writing drafts and trying to cope.

Try harder.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

not gonna do it

I wonder how pills and ice cream will taste like? :)

I'll get back again

I haven't been posting because I had my exams and I'm currently having an episode.

I will post again if I don't kill myself.