Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Countdown to G-Day: Day 1

So...I haven't posted in...umm...a while...



I will be graduating from high school very, very soon, and I had this brilliant, totally ingenious idea of making a countdown to graduation day because I'm masochistic sadomasochistic brilliant. 

So I will be writing something(anything) each day on this blog(and on my journal because fuck yeah journals!) until the day I am handed my high school diploma. And then maybe I'll write my reaction to that? You're reading my blog you know I don't know a thing

Yes, I will obviously summon enough time and productiveness for this. Haha fat chance

So. First day. I'm a bit tempted to post some things that I wrote in my journals, but that would be cheating and I won't have something to post later

So* I'm going to write about laziness. Specifically, my brand of laziness.

Nowadays, I find it hard to focus. On the rare chance I manage to accomplish that, I can't seem to find a way to muster enough strength to do something. Take note of this, the fact that I'm writing this much is nothing short of a miracle.**

This might be because of senioritis. Re: I'm getting lazy because I know I'm going to the college of my choice and this last quarter seems a bit superfluous.
Then again, I don't really think that. I like my classes fine. I hope my teachers don't read this. 

Maybe I'm just tired.

Yeah, that's probably it.


*New drinking game: Take a shot every time I use so to start off a sentence.
**Fine, not miracle. I'm not that delusional yet to believe that my writing is a divine event.


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