Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Countdown to G-Day: Day 2

Please, just click the read more link.  It's not like you're going to read this part anyways.


I'll be honest.

I don't think that all old songs are instantly better than the songs of this day and age.

It really, really irks me when people say,"Old songs are best."

No, they aren't.

Now, I'm not going to argue about how modern pop songs are TEH BEST and OMFG NICKI MINAJ IS TEH COOLEST because I know that 90% of everything is bad and Nicki Minaj is the most unholiest of unholies and should have never come into contact with anything that even vaguely resembles a microphone. The former is a reiteration of Sturgeon's Law, and the latter is common sense.

Now is probably the time to explain what Sturgeon's Law is, not only because it's one of the foundations of my argument, but also because everyone should know about it.

Sturgeon's Law is simply: "90% of everything is crap." And that's it. In every medium, there will be a shit ton of crud and feces(oh how I love my infinite vocabulary of bowel movement-related terms). Remember that, and deal with it.
I'm also a firm believer in the oft added statement:"...But the remaining 10% is worth fighting for." Because it's true. In this sea of defecation, you will still be able to find blocks of gold.


Alright, I'm not good at analogies, okay? But in any case, if you take the time to sort out a genre, a medium, etc, you will come across a lot of duds, but rest assured, you will be able to find (and absolutely will find) a masterpiece. And if that's what it takes to get my hands on a piece of art, then so be it.

But I digress. This is about how old songs aren't automatically the best.

It's obvious how Sturgeon's Law comes into effect, but I'll repeat it anyways: 90% of it is bad.

But then there's so much of it, that the 10% is so numerous.

It's interesting how people seem to forget that 'old songs' is an amalgamation of songs from years that have already come to pass. That, quite simply, is a lot. It's unfair to compare it to the present, which is at  most a short period of time, and at the very least, a year.

It's late so I'll continue this tomorrow. And edit this tomorrow too. I need sleep. ETA 1/20/2013: Hahaha fat chance.


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