Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Countdown To G-Day: Day 3: Learning and Forgetting

You know how sometimes you can spend so much time frantically reading, memorizing, learning all you can about this one topic, and feel like finally you've found something that's you, but after some time you find yourself not reading, memorizing,not learning anything at all (through no fault of your own,maybe) and when you finally found time to sit down and think about/practice/discuss/write about this topic, you realize that you don't remember anything at all?

I forgot so much about html.

I'm currently practicing the html skills I have left by writing entire this post in html. Is it hard? No, not at all. This is just mere words, no biggie. I've never been into using effects for my words like this

Seriously, that is ugly looking.

I need sleep, so as a parting gift, here is a picture of a cat and a kitten:
Sure, why not?

And yes, the picture is not mine.


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